Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Motherhood is Kicking My Trash


Henry is two month away from being a 3-year-old, and he is squeezing all the "terrible" of the terrible twos as he can.

There is a series of Sour Patch commercials where the gummy sour patch figures do something terrible, and then they do something nice and look all innocent. "Sour. Sweet. Gone." I feel like this is what Henry does all day - every day. It makes me feel like a crap for crap mom. I consider myself a fairly patient person, but there is only so much of the Sour Patch Cycle I can take. Also, something was wrong with Pepper all day yesterday. Poor little love. And it was in the teens yesterday, and single digits today :( Angry Face.

On a more positive note, my parents are coming into town for Thanksgiving (a week and a half) and we are driving out to Molly's place. Eric's mom is having surgery, so he will be out there (in SF) for Thanksgiving week. I wish that all my family lived closer.

Finances. We're trying to save. #1 Create a hearty emergency fund. #2 Pay off student loans. #3 Save for a down payment for a new house. #4 Holding tank. #5 Pay off the Jetta and start saving for our 10 year anniversary trip to Catalina. Seems like we have everything on track, but it's overwhelming. I found this awesome, awesome house in Lafayette for $410K. It's right by the Piper's house - go great neighborhood, great neighbors, amazing kitchen and bathroom, backyard, garage. We just need a simple $20K for a down payment. So that's nothing.

Well, Pepper is awake now and it's time to make mini Pizzas. Cao.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Love and happiness

Let me start by saying that for the past two days, Henry has been so incredibly loving and adorable. He has been giving hugs and kisses to all three of us, and telling us that we're the best, etc.

Many times in my prayers, I ask for help raising my children, and to be able to teach them, and help them learn and grow. Tonight during my prayers, I was feeling so grateful for Henry's sweet loves, and it hit me that I am raising him okay. He's a kind, loving little boy. Sure he has tantrums and sometimes gets crazy and hits others, but not to be mean. He has a big heart - he's happy, and I'm so so grateful for that. As a mom, you can't ask much more from a 2 year old.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Gratitude in all things

I typically begin my night time prayers in one of two ways: "I'm grateful for the wonderful day I had." Or "I'm grateful that today is over." Tonight, I am grateful for the latter.

Besides a baby blow-out, no nap for Henry (until he got into the shopping cart), Eric being out of town, and general craziness, I'm totally sick. I woke up this morning with my eye goobered shut. I called the doctor and made an appointment to come in at 11:45. Long sort short: I finally got in to see the doctor at 12:30 (after the nurse had gone to lunch), and after a 5 minute check up, he was going to call in a prescription for me. Home for Pepper's nap time(not Henry's :/), then to target for the prescription pick up. (This is where the poo-splosion happened.) Turns out that the doc never ended up calling in my prescription, and by the time the pharmacy called, the office was closed. I have to go back tomorrow to get it.

Also, terrible twos. Whiny, insane, sad, indecisive, terrible twos.

I am so so blessed though to have such a happy, smart, brave toddler; a happy, relaxed, low-maintenance baby; and a smart, witty, handsome husband.

Bed time.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Note to my Daughter on Modesty

Pepper, you're only a few months old, but right now even some girls with pretty high standards don't dress modestly. Boobs are everywhere. I remember last summer, I saw a girl who was wearing shorts that curved up so I could see the crease in her butt cheeks. I'm pretty sure if she only wore regular underwear, it would have covered more of her back side - poor thing.

Looking back to my teenaged years, I can't recall a time when I was inappropriately dressed and thought, "Wow, I sure am glad that guy noticed me because he could see the twins." (or anything along those lines.) Those kind of guys may have been good looking or popular or seemed cool at the time, but really, they were not worth my time or admiration. Those kind of guys are only looking for one (or two) things.

However,  I do remember thinking, "I just met this guy and I am wearing a bikini (first and only time), this is awkward. is he staring at my chest? can he tell I feel so awkward? can I go back and put on a shirt? I'm blushing because I'm embarrassed - will he notice if I start awkwardly blowing on my face?" I do remember thinking, "Seriously? I am literally wearing nasty shoes, jeans and a t-shirt, and a HAIRNET and I just got hit on by a major hottie."  And, "Really? The 'guy who is my reason for going to the gym because I get to see him' guy thinks I'm cute when he's only ever seen me in BYU-Idaho approved workout attire (trust me, it was hideous)?" I do remember thinking, "Wow, I married an amazing man who tells me that I'm perfect only 8 weeks after having my second child. I feel like I look like a manatee, but he thinks I'm beautiful. Aww."

You don't need to dress hot or sexy because you'll be beautiful (just look at your mom ;). You will not have to attract people with the way you show off your body because you will attract them with your witty sense of humor, your brain, your smile, your kindness, your confidence, and your unwavering faith in a Heavenly Father who loves you because you're his daughter; and you respect yourself because you know all those things.

Darling, don't let social pressures overcome you. I promise you that you will never look back and wish that you had given in just that one time, just once, so you could feel like you belonged.

There are lots of randy men out there, but give The Good Ones credit.

I'm establishing this rule now: Within reason, I will give you money to buy cute clothes that cover up your body. If you want to buy anything that I don't approve of, you have to first pray about it, and then if you still feel okay about it, use your own money and pay me for it. Besides, if I don't approve of it, there is no way your dad is letting you out of the house wearing it.

I'm old. I've been where you are, I promise. Before I had kids, I had a rockin' body, too.

Be wise. Make your decisions before you have to make them. I love you and I want only the best for you.

Love, Mom. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pepper's First Road Trip

This past weekend my parents came to visit, and Pepper took her first really long car ride to Gateway. Eric had a gig there, so we got to stay for free. HE finally (after 4 times of staying there) got to climb the palisade! I don't think I can put "relaxing," "hanging out," and "kids" in the same sentence, but it was as relaxing as you could get with 1 crazy and 1 child who needs to nap all the time.

Henry just wanted to hug and play with Amelia the whole time, but she wouldn't have it. Poor kid. He just has so much love and so much energy, it sometimes comes out in the form of swinging his arms around which results in hitting. He just needs some love right back, and needs me to explain that hitting is not the best way to release energy.

Anyway, Pepper was really good. Pretty chill. You would think that having a kid who takes a lot of naps would be a good thing, but when you're trying to get out and do stuff, it's difficult to have one person who has to stay near the sleeper. Most of the time, I am grateful for the naps though.

I have already started making a list of things I forgot and things I need for our trip to Lake Almanor in a few weeks. In the mean time, some pictures for your enjoyment.

Girl time photo shoot - we told mom to flex, and she does dance hands; there is us all doing dance hands.

Opa with Milla and Henry

Mimi and Henry back shot

Sweet Face


Henry is all ready to go to Lake Almanor with the Forsyth's next month.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fider Man

Henry is REALLLLLY into super heroes lately. He keeps asking to watch "Fider Man" and "Iron Man." Yeah, I've been trying to teach him how to say the "sp" sound, and he'll say "sp...sp...fider," or "sp...sp...foon."

Today, he said the cutest thing. We were driving with the windows down and someone beside us was smoking. I rolled up the windows and said that smoking is gross. He replied with, "I don't like smoking, I like fider man though." Aaaaadorable.

Also, losing weight after baby #2 is not easy. I feel so hungry all the time, and (not gunna lie), I turn to sweets more than I should. It's also hard to work out since we have to be home several times day for nap times now. Boo hoo. I am starting a Women on Weights class tomorrow - I'm hopeful for that. It's every Thursday for 6 weeks. I just have to find the strength to stop eating so much chocolate. Sigh. Diet starts tomorrow?

Ok. Time for some pictures:

1. Eric took Henry to a baseball game a few weeks ago. They got to go right behind the dugout, and Henry got a ball from the first base coach.
Pure Joy

 2. Henry is getting into his pretend stage. He was playing "time for sleep" with Pepper.
Pep's new blanket from Gammie
3. Just another day in the kitchen. Henry loves his cooking time with mom, and his smoothies. Pepper wishes she had a smoothie. She's super cute, but I need to start putting bows in her hair. She's adorable with bows. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Innocence of children

Little kids don't care if you dress funny (because they usually dress funny themselves), or if you're pretty or ugly, if you're smart or not so smart, or if you're cool or lame. Little kids just want people to be nice to them, and play with them. I think this is why Christ tells us to be like children. Children don't judge people by their outside appearances, or social standing, or awkwardness. Children often judge people according to the kindness in their hearts.

Henry is such a sweet loving little child. He is always going up to people and giving them hugs, and giving smiles to everybody. He will say hi to the fanciest person in town or a bum on the street. Someday, when I grew up, I want to be just like Henry.